Monday, July 22, 2024

Offshoots: Humanity Twigged Anthology - Editor's Note


It's hard to believe how quickly twelve years have passed, and another Third Flatiron anthology, our 33rd, has launched. Offshoots: Humanity Twigged showcases 24 authors, nearly half of whom are returning, as well as others making their first appearance in our pages. Wulf Moon challenged his writing group to submit stories to us, and they did—in a big way. We're grateful. Our theme, while open-ended, seeks to envision some speculative future directions for humanity.

 We were saddened to hear of the recent death of Catherine Weaver, who completed her time-travel story shortly before passing away. Her story, "Another Day, Another Me," in which a woman runs into herself at the beach, leads off the anthology, opening up a world of possibilities.

A number of stories in the anthology concern the rise of artificial intelligence and its ramifications. "Software" by Evan A. Davis speculates that artificial intelligence employed by competing nations might ultimately help us avoid war. Yet although we are becoming increasingly dependent on the benefits of artificial intelligence, we humans need to treat the home appliances with a bit of caution, warns Curtis James McConnell in "Smarthouse Revolution." Jesse Back introduces us to an agreeable android caretaker, in "What Would You Do for Me."

We've all heard author Arthur C. Clarke's famous saying, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." M. Richard Eley's AI decides to investigate the veracity of that statement in "The Magic of AI."

Utopias can be in the eye of the beholder, as a future gardener feels he gets no respect in John A. Frochio's "Rogue Garden, Rogue Gardener." But living in virtual reality may hold considerable charms, as in "Monad" by Jackson Willis and "Messiah in the Machine" by Yelena Crane.

Other stories concern the evolution of the human race. Enjoy Robin Pond's poetic parable, "Ginger," for a sweet treat. In contrast, see how it feels to be judged, in Edward Barnfield's "A Kid with Six Arms Wants to Kick My Ass."

As humans evolve, they may find themselves living alongside other, uplifted, species, formerly considered vermin, as in "The Missing Music in Milo Piper's Head" by David Hankins. A lesson in humility.

Tired of Earth's problems? Space exploration's pros and cons are featured in "Our Foul Ancestors" by Neil James Hudson, "In Search of the Twinkle Toad" by E. J. Delaney, and "What Remains of the Rainbow" by David Cleden.

Maybe a helping hand will reach out with a fix, as in Juliana Rew's "Dreams of Rain: Probability of Precipitation," or Robert Stahl's "How Billy Adams Destroyed Humanity but Then Found a Way to Make It Right Again."

Fantasy worlds are often quite different from our own, but some themes are universal, such as the importance of fashion, as Scott M. Sands explains, in "Fashion, Darling, For an Untamed World." We also think a perfectly reasonable future for humanity would include a partnership with pixies. So: Theme achieved! Check out Wulf Moon's fantastic "Pink Pickled Pixies."

We conclude with a cautionary note. Humans haven't always been on their best behavior. Not all of these stories foresee a positive future. If things don't work out, the evolutionary tree might need a bit of tweaking, as in Jennifer R. Povey's admonitory tale, "When to Nurture, When to Prune."

Delight in our expanded flash humor section, Grins & Gurgles, with "In the Nick of Time" by Henry Herz and Jason M. Hough; "Ten Easy Steps to Boosting Your Civilization's Kardashev Rating" by Pauline Barmby; "They Eat Plants!" by Esteban Raposo; and "Purrfect Intuition" by Elizabeth Spencer Spragins.

We hope you find these new stories to ring true as much as we did at Third Flatiron. Slàinte!

You can obtain the anthology in Kindle and paperback at B0D8CVYDMY


Juliana Rew, July 2024

Thursday, June 27, 2024

After the Ren Faire?

 There's currently a documentary series showing on HBO about the largest Renaissance Festival in the U.S., and how its aging creator is fighting advice to retire. I can see how he's loathe to leave behind his greatest creation. After all, as Mel Brooks's Louis XVI in "History of the World" said, "it's good to be the King."

I've admired people who had multiple talents. Tonight Show host Steve Allen was a well-known "Renaissance person," a skilled raconteur, comedian, writer, and musician. Plus, he made it clear he loved his wife and supported efforts to uplift humanity. He didn't really want to be the king. These days, despite a plethora of "influencers" and talking heads in the media, real Renaissance role models are in shorter supply.

For the past dozen or so years, I've tried to help speculative fiction authors by providing a venue to express their ideas, as the editor and publisher of Third Flatiron Anthologies. I gained skills as a science editor and writer from my years with the Geological Society of America and the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and these transferred easily to the field of publishing. I didn't see myself so much as "the Queen" as a facilitator. With a lot of hard work, and help from my friends (aka First Readers, artists, and podcast voice talent), Third Flatiron saw steady growth, and we became Affiliate Members of SFWA. I nominated our writers in award programs and readers' polls, and they even won some.

Then came the COVID-19 pandemic. That, plus more advertising emphasis on live media such as Instagram and TikTok, seemed to put the brakes on, or to at least move us over to the slow lane. Twitter tried to make me pay to claim that I am a real person. In order to "give back" to readers, I even produced an anthology, "Gotta Wear Eclipse Glasses," and am making it free on Smashwords. After all, a venture is not a failure simply because it fails to make money. At least the authors got paid.

A true Renaissance person has other interests, right? I certainly do, such as my own fiction writing, reading, music (did you know a mandolin is a form of lute?), and travel. I've written several novels and am active in a critique group. However, my writing, while well reviewed, seems to have gone down the same rabbit hole as my publishing business. (Or maybe a parallel universe rabbit hole?)

It's not as though I wasn't warned. David L. Felts, who encouraged us early on, closed his anthology run after about 10 books, moving to an online review site at SFReader. We've all heard that 90 percent of small businesses never make it, nor do 99 percent of writers. But I'm noticing a renaissance of new publishing ventures, some run by authors starting their own imprints using Kickstarter campaigns. Hope springs eternal.

A marketing expert advises bosses (including, I assume, editors) to keep their eye on the priorities, instead of constantly putting out small fires and pulling out bindweed. And instead of trying to do all the marketing (support our Patreon!), I should hire one of them. Well... ok...

A recent episode of Shankar Vedantem's "Hidden Brain" podcast about the search for happiness hints that although it's important to be seen as useful and helpful, trying too hard can backfire on you.
But I would add that being sustainable requires a lot of hard work.

So, that's our story to today. How's that renaissance thing working out? Hard to say for sure. Maybe it's time to go to YouTube and take a jazz lesson from Steve Allen. (Oh, and don't miss the Third Flatiron Anthologies video trailer.)

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Note from the Editor: Rhapsody of the Spheres

     Greetings, speculative fiction fans!

My company, Third Flatiron Publishing, has released its summer-fall collection, Rhapsody of the Spheres, a collection of SF, Fantasy, space opera, and hopepunk short stories.

 The dictionary defines a rhapsody as “an effusively enthusiastic or ecstatic expression of feeling.” In ancient Greece, a rhapsody was also part of an epic poem of a suitable length for reciting. Edie Brickell waxed rhapsodic about a smile on a dog, and Queen and Liszt gave us their musical Bohemian and Hungarian rhapsodies, respectively.

Our authors have given us their opinions of fictional what-ifs that might make us happy, and we're even including a bit of epic poetry. We're proud to point out that all of our authors claim to be people rather than AI, so the human connection is very real here.

Space opera is one of those genres that some might say verges on the operatic, while exploring the mysteries of the universe. For real-life amazement, we recommend a science news article in The Atlantic Magazine about how gravity waves pass through us all:

"Scientists Found Ripples in Space, and You Have to Buy Groceries," by Adam Frank (June 30, 2023)

 Jendia Gammon's space opera, "Opal World Frolic," anchors Rhapsody of the Spheres, in which a cyborg soldier meets all sort of beings on a planetary system quest. Brian Trent treats us to a space opera/fantasy mashup about a space colony with unauthorized trees, complete w/ dryads, "And Lifts Her Leafy Arms to Pray." Akis Linardos's AI protagonist builds a Dyson Sphere to protect humanity, in "The Day Luna Swallowed the Sun." Mike Adamson's astronauts enjoy the sun from afar as they visit a newly discovered dwarf moon in "Sunrise on Eris." Visits from advanced aliens take the stage in Bev Vincent's "Grand-Pere's Last Transmission," in which humans receive an invitation, and Liam Hogan's serendipitous "Discordia," in which aliens reveal that Earth's origin may have just been a "happy accident."

For those into hard scifi, we think you'll enjoy "Dog's Body," Edward Barnfield's tale of bioscientists working on an isolated island lab to clone domestic animals in preparation for a related secret project. We offer an imaginative time travel tale from Stetson Ray ("An Autograph").

Or should we call it RAP-sody? Many of the stories we received involved music and its power to change the world. Our anthology leads off with Jenny Perry Carr's "The Solution to Everything Is Disco," about a discouraged lab researcher who experiences a eureka moment when she lets the beat drop. Anne Gruner's "Museum of the Multiverse," imagines an eternal species that loves the music of the long-extinct human race. We direct you to Robin Pond's tale, "Celestial Notes," about a scientist who assembles a dissonant musical performance to save the world from climate catastrophe. Jeff Reynolds describes "One Last Night at Benny's Magic Fantastic Cabaret," for the jazz lover in us all. Even immortalized rock legends can undergo some ch-ch-changes in Bruce Golden's "Let Sleeping Rock Stars Lie."

Epic poems and mythology: We mentioned that epic poetry is sometimes called a rhapsody. Emily Martha Sorensen took up the challenge to write her poem about the origins of the Trojan War, "The Arbitration of Beauty." Happiness sometimes needs a bit of help from the goddess, in Maureen Bowden's "Euterpe." In Neethu Krishnan's "Dream Bones," a sleepwalker swims into the world of dreams to enlist as a dream keeper.

Fantasy and magic are always good to lift our spirits, right? A princess brokers a détente between humans and dragons with her song, in David Hankins's "The United Flamemakers of Ravalli." If you're a scientist, you might have wished you had magical powers to get to the solution, or at least to have your hard work recognized. Check out M. A. Dosser's "Peer-Reviewed Spellcasting." Monica Joyce Evans's "Physics for Witches" paints an artistic picture with quantum mechanics.

Family matters: Family can be both a challenge and the source of the greatest happiness, as shown in Brandon Case's futuristic social media foray, "The Stellar Instrument." Motherhood is strange and wonderful in Douglas Gwilym's "Matryoshka." Sharon Diane King's psychedelic "A Touch of the Grape" brings us family nostalgia at its best.

Then, there's always hope: 'Lor' willing and the creek don't rise' is an old Appalachian expression that things are bound to get better with enough focused intention. Lovely hopepunk stories that ring true (but weird) include Taylor Dye's "Changing of the Guard," in which two supernatural beings are on a mission to save a sick child, and "Lost and Hound," featuring M. R. Abbink-Gallagher's trippy tale about a telepathic dog who thinks deep thoughts.

As usual, our Grins & Gurgles flash humor section offers a chuckle, in "The Art of Music Surfing" by Lisa Timpf, as well as an ironic look at the last days of a butterfly, in Julie Biegner's "The Last Viceroy."


At one time, dozens of paddle steamers plied the rivers and canals of Scotland. The seagoing Waverley, pictured here, remains a tourist's delight, referred to by some as a "Hebridean Rhapsody." We hope you enjoy the many meanings explored in Third Flatiron's Rhapsody of the Spheres anthology.


Sunday, December 18, 2022

My New Fantasy Collection

 My new collection of fantasy short stories from Sophont Press, Twelve All in Dread,  is now available in ebook for preorder at, with paperback soon to follow.

It includes a dozen stories, six from my "Twelve Witches" series as well as a number of medieval-inspired tales for readers interested in sword and sorcery. "The Twelfth Witch" introduces us to the youngest and most powerful of The Twelve All in Dread, Tesseracta Rowan, as she quests in search of her powers and family origins, while other fantasy stories, such as "Rage, Rage, Against the Dying of the Age," return us to the age of Arthurian mystery and romance. The collection concludes with a dash of Cthulhu mythos, in "Blood Moon."

Alternately hilarious, heartbreaking, and chilling, Twelve All in Dread presents a dozen fun and original fantasy stories filled with action and magic.

ISBN # 978-1-7362848-7-2

Copyright 2022 Juliana Rew, Cover by Keely Rew

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Return of the SciFi and Fantasy Cons


It is great to see the Cons returning to more in-person meetups. We enjoyed going (fully masked) to MileHiCon 54 in Denver and serving on three panels. I was especially interested in the panel on the growing popularity of stories set in the multiverse. On another panel, we had a spirited "discussion" about what can be done to fix the climate and the role the "hopepunk" scifi genre might play to offset today's preoccupation with dystopia. The audience for our panel on writing short stories and flash fiction was enthusiastic and ate up all of our advice, inadequate as it probably was. An event I love at MileHiCon is the "Slush Read," and my entry seemed to be well received. There's nothing like a little *constructive* criticism to keep you on the path to stardom.

Guest of Honor Ken Liu gave a talk about how science fiction does a terrible job predicting the future, so our work’s cut out for us to do better. Another GoH, Travis Heerman, showed us his first written, directed, and produced film, “Demon for Hire.” Only 8 minutes long, it’s a hoot. The trailer's available on his blog at

Last but not least, artist GoH Charles Vess lists among his credits illustrating Book III of Neil
Gaiman’s “Sandman” series. Of course, I caught a cold while returning from Scotland, so my filking chops were missing in action.

We managed to sell a few books at the author table, and Third Flatiron recently contributed books and ebooks to the World Fantasy Convention, to take place in early November in New Orleans. We'll be attending virtually, but are glad that's now become an option.

I'm going to try mightily to work on my new novel during NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writers' Month) next month, and am hoping to publish my fantasy short story collection, "Twelve All in Dread," featuring the young witch Tesseracta Rowan and her evolution toward "All Things Understanding."

Monday, July 25, 2022

New Anthology, "After the Gold Rush"

At Third Flatiron, we're now celebrating 10 years with our latest outing. Over the years, we're honored to have featured the work of more than 350 authors, and have podcasted more than 50 of their stories. We're also proud of the mix of Colorado and international writers. This all-original SFFH anthology has the theme, "After the Gold Rush." We asked contributors to explore themes related to complications of booms and bubbles, including effects of accelerated culture; ecological consequences caused by human over-expansion, such as climate disasters; and economics (for example, resources and commodities).

We are especially grateful to Wulf Moon, who leads the "Super Secrets" workshop. He encouraged writers on the Writers of the Future Forum to submit to our latest call, and by our count, seven "Wulf Pack" authors of the twenty-one in this anthology are new to our pages.

So, what have we got in store for you this time? Here is a peek at what's in the anthology.

Love all the new tech? We might get more than we bargained for as the latest gadgets accelerate and overtake us. We lead off with James Tager's "Past the Projections," a creative—and creepy—story in which AI robotics come to life in virtual reality. The intelligent drone "bees" in Tim Borella's "To Vanquish Other Blooms" repeat the adage, it's not nice to fool Mother Nature.

We offer a number of instructive "what-if" stories about corporations that corner valuable resources, such as sunlight and real estate. With ingenuity and valor, ordinary people might still find ways to come out on top. Such a story is Robert Bagnall's "Sunrunner," an affecting story, about a rebel sunlight thief. We cheer Julie Biegner's teens as they try to take down the VR monopoly that's become a fascist state in her story, "Amphibios." Also, check out "Reassessed Value," by David Hankins, about a farmer who discovers a corporate loophole to save his land.

After climate change: Are we hearing the strains of the orchestra playing "Nearer, My God, to Thee?" In "Moving On," by Andrew Wright, Cape Cod is now an island, and it's Harry's job to check on houses and gardens before another storm arrives.

A gold rush theme means there's always room for a weird western, right? On the boomtown planet of Proxima B, when a samurai lawman is called to investigate a death, he discovers an ancient Mexican cult, in "Showdown at Sueño Hueco" by Wulf Moon.

"Earth's Last Immortals," by Erin Cullen, is the story of a future where life-extension technology has made it possible for humans to technically become immortal, but at what cost?

In a world where the world has retreated into virtual reality, a man searches for people who will return to "real" reality. "Facing Reality" by Yelena Crane.

In "Last Light in the Dark" by Shannon Fox, an actor on a far-future planet decides a change of pace is in order when his family's line of work starts to deviate from his personal values. While other stories about the after-effects of gold rush "bubbles" are usually sad, we find a nugget of hope.

It's hot. Damn hot. In Edward Barnfield's, story, "Live from the Troll Factory," hackers toil away in a post-internet apocalyptic sweatshop. It reminded us a bit of Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake—only with computers.

Not all is gloom and doom, however.

There's evidence there was once a lot of water on the moon, so there may be a future call for explorers to find hidden reservoirs. Enjoy David Cleden's "Down on the Klondike," as a young man buys a stake on the Moon with his mother's credit card and runs into disaster almost immediately. In "The Front of the Pack," Lauren C. Teffeau's satirical story, this captured prisoner is not an arms dealer, he offers a scarce service—he's a regulation evasion provider.

Bon Voyage: In "Last Bite at the Klondike," by Liam Hogan, we meet an asteroid miner who opts to test the "interstellar progress paradox" rather than return to Earth.

We loved the movie, "CODA" (Children of Deaf Adults). If humans ever make first contact, it'll be important to find what we have in common. "All Our Signs Align" by Eve Morton, introduces a translator who teaches aliens American Sign Language (ASL).

"Unwinding the Clock" by Brandon Case, tells the satirical story of a grandma hacker who codes a scam app and sends the proceeds to a deserving recipient

Like William Wallace said in "Braveheart:" Freeeedom!! "The Last of the Gen Xers" by Angelique Fawns, is the story of a guy with an outlawed gas-guzzling Cadillac.

As usual, we conclude with our flash humor section, "Grins & Gurgles," with a "Currency Change Announcement" by Elizabeth Davis; "Amore for Life" by Cray Dimensional; "Genie in a PET Bottle" by Daniel M. Cojocaru; and "Goldberry" by Tom Easton and Jeff Hecht.

We hope you enjoy After the Gold Rush. It's available on Amazon at


Juliana Rew

July 2022




Saturday, November 27, 2021

Editor's Note: Things With Feathers: Stories of Hope Anthology

As inspiration for Third Flatiron Anthologies' latest theme, we put forth one of Emily Dickinson's poems, "Hope," in which she characterized it as "a thing with feathers." We reprint "Hope" inside for you to savor. Many of the contributors to this anthology agreed with Dickinson, while others expanded the ideas and symbols of hope.


 We open with Nemma Wollenfang's "Dream Eater," a truly transformative steampunk fantasy that shows us how a little kindness can reap rewards beyond your wildest dreams. While Cayce Osborne's "Yin-Yang" is indeed a ghost story, it is also a story of redemption.

Is there hope for us all? In P. A. Cornell's "Shiny Things," humanity's future is in doubt, as aliens return the planet to nature, until an intelligent bird pleads our inventiveness. Conversely, we depend heavily on math and technology, but sometimes it can become an obsession, as in David Cleden's "Ephemeralities."

Some of our stories call on the hopeful lessons of mythology, magic, and religion, such as F. T. Berner's "The Ones Who Made the Crossing," Sharon Diane King's "The Sorcerer's Appendix," and, for a touch of the weird, Nicholas Stillman's future-origin story, "Yes, Sadly." Barton Paul Levenson uses "Elf Magic" to show us how we could get along with others who aren't like us.

Still others draw hope from the wellspring of the supernatural, as in Bruce Arthurs' "The Best Damned Barbershop in Hell," and Paula Hammond's "Adventures in the Spiritual Lost-and-Found."

A common linchpin seems to be how much family plays a pivotal role in giving us hope—even more so over the past year. The wisdom of grandparents and devotion of grandchildren take center stage in Emily Dauvin's "The Soul of Trees," E. J. Delaney's "Zeno's Paradise (with redheads!)," Shannon Brady's "The Wonders of Yesterday," and Raluca Balasa's "Vanishing Act").

In time for the winter holidays, we have Arthur Carey's heartwarming alien encounter, "The Black Marble," a story that lets us reflect on the good things that we have and how they might continue to be.

Enthusiastic hope, aka "the Tinker Bell effect": Remember how we all clapped to bring Peter Pan's pal back to life? We want to believe that Alicia Cay's astronaut will survive in "The Girl Who Built Worlds." Melissa Mead's "Stella" catches a falling star and puts it in your pocket—ready in case you need it. Brian Rappatta's "The Warrior Rides into Battle, Sword Held High," rides along with characters who live their dreams of a better future as they take the daily bus to work.

Those of you wondering whether you're brave enough to attend a science fiction convention in person this year, there's encouragement to be found in Danielle Mullen's "One Last Thing." You might meet someone truly inspiring.

Worried about the sentient AI in your refrigerator? Anchoring the anthology is a hopeful post-singularity tale about intelligent buildings who love their customers, in Wulf Moon's "Sophie's Parisian Stationery & Parfumerie Magnifique."

As usual, we include our humor section, "Grins and Gurgles." As a ginger native of the mythical Colorado town of Plumbum, I can attest to the findings in Bonnie McCune's "Final Report from the Land of Red-Headed Children." And there's fairies! Art Lasky asks whether fairies could bring back "The Summer of Love." When a tsunami threatens, James Dorr's "The Wise Sister" helps us plan for disaster without the need to overpack.

Finally, we feature an essay, "What Hope Might Ask," in which Gerri Leen lets loose with flights of fancy regarding our fine feathered friends. Luckily, we hear wild birds have been doing better during the pandemic. We also recommend an Atlantic essay on hope by Arthur C. Brooks.

We do hope you enjoy reading "Things With Feathers." It's available from Amazon for Kindle and print paperback.