Sargent Gary Cooper is a tough Earth Alliance non-com who's been busted in rank more than once for using his own judgment, and re-promoted for being the last survivor of a mission gone wrong. His exploits are the remnants of diaries discovered by the AI archivist, Polyakov-241, recounting some of the events preceding what's called
"The Fall."
My favorite "Star Light" novella was "The Long Night of Wilhelm Reich," a weird trip, in which Cooper's team is sent to rescue a shipload of colonists stranded in space. What begins as a routine boarding turns into a spooky sabotage-laced hunt for the disappeared colonists and a pulse-raising battle against an energy-sucking entity created by an orgone device. What's that, you ask? Check out the bizarre theories of Wilhelm Reich (a real person) in wikipedia or Martin Gardner's classic "Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science," and you'll understand.
I highly recommend Under Darker Suns: Star Light. The ebook is available on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TVR63R5. Also available in paperback.
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